Saturday, September 27, 2008

Herbed Focaccia

Friday is "Fend for Yourself" day at our house. Thursday, I experimented with a potato soup that was really good. Unfortunately, I had no recipe for it, so next time I make it, I will remember to write it down. Saturday, we met Kip and Jen at the "Elephant House" park by the Zoo. The kids had a great time and we chatted about the impending wedding. Of course, I had to make bread for the sandwiches, so I thought I'd try something a little different.

Herbed Focaccia
2 c warm water
4 tsp dry yeast
1 tsp sugar or honey
5 to 6 cups of flour
4 tbls olive oil
1 tsp salt
Place water, yeast, 2 tbls of the flour, and sugar in a bowl. Mix and let foam for 15 min. Meanwhile, measure 2 cups of flour and the salt into electric mixer. Add the yeast mixture and combine until smooth. Add olive oil. Mix. Continue adding flour 1/2 cup at a time until dough no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl. Place dough onto floured surface and kneed for a few minutes until springy (it never takes too long if you have made the dough in a mixer.) Place in a oiled bowl and cover until it has TRIPLED in size. (about an hour on a hot day or 1 1/2 hours on a cool day.) Punch down and press into a greased, large, cookie pan. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise till doubled. Dimple the top with your finger and drizzle 2 to 4 tbls of olive oil with herbs of your choice onto the top (I used rosemary since I have 3 large bushes in my garden.) You can use oregano, basil, sage that is fresh or dried. Sprinkle top with course or Kosher salt. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 30 to 45 minutes depending on how brown you like it.

We sliced the Focaccia and put turkey, tomatoes, cheese and avocado between the layers. It's yummy. Have fun with it!

1 comment:

Très Sucré said...

I think this is the recipe I use. So yummy, and surprisingly easy. mmm...I wish I had some with some turkey and tomatoes on it right now! Maybe I'll go make some...